Rakhil Chervin, birth and death records, 1919


#244. Born June 28 /Sivan 30 1919. Jewish Hosp.

Father Svir meshch. (p. bourgeois) Abram' Yankelev' Chervin'. Mother Ita-Ginda Itskovna nee Stolyar'. Living Sirot. 29/16 (abbreviated street name).

Daughter Rakhil'.

Hebrew side

Bet-cholim ha-ivri. Mother's name given as Ita-Hinda nee Stolyar. Street name as Sirotski.


#594 (f). Died Sirot. 29. Buried Vil. Jewish Cem. July 30 / 2 Av. 1 mo.

Cause of death: vosp. kishek'. Inflammation of the intestine.

Declared by A. Chervin 30/VII. Rakhil' Chervin'. Abram and Ita-Ginda.

Hebrew side:

Cause of death transcribed from Russian: vospal. kishok. Surname spelled as Tshervin. Mother's name given as Ite-Hinde.

Source: Lithuanian State Historical Archives via Stewart Cherlin

Fall 2005