Original documents from the Vilna State Historical Archives give substantial information about the Vilna Cherlin (originally Chervin line), connected with records for Abraham Chervin's family. Birth records for his children were recorded in Russian and Hebrew (on facing pages, with the same information recorded in both languages). Stewart Cherlin has been in contact with the Vilna State Historical Archives, and has received a good deal of information in the course of an extensive correspondence.
Correspondence between Stew Cherlin and the Lithuanian Historical
State Archives (LHSA). The Vilna Cherlin or Czerwin family may have
roots in Svir.
Your webmaster is going to be out of the country for a year, starting in August, 2004. In his absence, these pages will be maintained with the assistance of David Cherlin.
Tree pages © Gregory Cherlin and other members of the Cherlin family.