The passport of Yossel Cherlin/Cherlyn/Tsirlin



  1. Religion: Jewish.
  2. Date of birth or age: 45 y.
  3. Activity: trade.
  4. Is there or was there a marriage: married.
  5. Accompanying persons: wife Liba Yu... 41 y. and daughter Bailya 22 y. and faigel 3 y. and son Efraim 1 y.
  6. Relation to obligatory military service: Enlisted, 1885 y.
  7. Signature (holder of passport): illiterate.
  8. In case of illiteracy provide a description of appearance.
    • Height: 2 arshins, 5 vershoks (5 feet, 5 in).
    • Color of hair: dark ash blond
    • Distinguishing marks: on the left hand on the index finger, a a scar.

Issued: Plisa Authority

... A 211 (no fee, valid for at most one year)

Issuer: \quad Vilna region, Disna district, burger of Plisa Yossel Tsirlin (father Baruch), ... permitted discharged to other cities and settlements of the Russian Empire from the date given below until the twenty-third of August 1911 year. Delivered and stamped, One thousand nine hundred tenth year August twenty-third.

For the ... Elder, N. Sorokin.

Transcription of the passport


The passport (miniature)

Internal Passport

May 2003