Jochel Cerlin, Ellis Island, 1903

Ellis Island, 1903   Ellis Island, 1903

This seems to be an immigration record for Isadore Cherlin.

From 1903. This accords well with our expectations, notably the uncle "Chaim Zeplowitz" acting as host. Intensive investigation of census records by Stew Cherlin clarified the whole Seplowitz line and revealed that Chaim Seplowitz and Hennah Riveh Cherlin Seplowitz did indded immigrate to the U.S. earlier.

For an alternate possibility, consult the record for Ize Scherlin. This is interesting because Ize Scherlin is accompanied by an Abram Stoler!

Ellis Island Manifest found by Gregory Cherlin ("Cerlin" transcribed incorrectly as "Carlin").

Original source (viewer requires javascript):

Passenger Record Text Manifest Scanned Manifest

From Antwerp September 7, 1903:
Jochel Cerlin Aged 20 Male, Single Bookbinder Nationality Russian Ethnicity Hebrew From Wilno Going to Uncle Chaim Zeplowitz New York, 2242 Second Str.

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