Zev Chervin , Birth Record, Hebrew
(right side)

Zev Chervin

From the Vilna State Archives via Stewart Cherlin.

Who carried out
Date of birth and circumcision
Where born Father's status
Names of Father and Mother
Given name of the child
  682 Naftali Bentsyakovitz (illegible) 19b./26 c. (November) 1b./8 c. (Kislev) Vilnio Father: Svir c. Abram' Yankelev Chervin'
Mother: Ita-Ginda Itskovna
Son Zov

Name appears to be written: zayin-aleph-beth. Since Zev corresponds to Wolf (Yiddish, transcribed into Cyrllic on the Russian side), we suppose this is Zev.

-> Russian back Hall 1A.